Monday 2 June 2014

Makeup Monday #4 - Barry M Spring Collection

Barry M is a popular drugstore nail polish brand which have many unique products including, Gelly, matte, nail effect and the makeup essentials. My personal favourite is the Gelly hi-shine line, so I was so excited to see they were bringing out three new shades for spring. The hype for spring this season is pastel colours, so the colours are pastel blue, pink and green. As seen in the picture below I only have the blue and pink to review. This is because the green was sold out when I purchased them and I haven't seen it since. 

Firstly the name of the shades are cute and adorable, matching well with the colour. I believe the green shade is called, 'Sugar apple' which I personally sounds quite high street, similar to the Essie products. Though this means they have alot to live up to. The consistency of the varnish is quite thin and sheer. I found it took about 3-4 coats to get a good strong balance of colour. Even with the amount of layers I put on as well as a clear top coat it managed to chip quite quickly. Though overall I would say the rose hip is a beautiful colour once applied. I also found the blue applied much easier than the pink and also didn't chip as much. Overall I recommend to go for the blue or either green, as they may not take as much layers/coats and are much less time consuming.

Thanks for reading!xo


Sunday 1 June 2014


Hey blog readers!

I apologize for the serious lack of blog posts; I have been caught up with coursework and deadlines as well as the horrible dreaded exams, so instead of writing my posts I've been doing revision. I also found it difficult to balance out time to prepare, shoot, edit and write for each post twice a week, so I came up with the solution to upload a blog post whenever I can, but to give an aim to upload at least 4 a month, so 1 a week. However I will still be titling them 'Makeup Monday' and 'Fashion Friday', just they won't be every week. You will see alot more exciting posts to come as now the long summer holidays will give me so much time to write. As my blog is primarily beauty and fashion based, I have also decided to add in a lifestyle theme including day trips and weekends. 

Thank you for reading!xo
